How Old Is Your Cat?

Junior Feline Package


Regular Price = $399

Wellness Exam, Chemistry & CBC and Urinalysis

a woman holding a cat

To help your cat enjoy a happy, healthy life, this preventive care visit includes the following:

Comprehensive Physical Examination

Regular Price = $65.00

This head-to-tail examination includes but is not limited to, temperature, weight, and evaluation of the following: coat, skin, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, gums, heart, lungs, abdomen, legs, and paws.

Chemistry Profile & Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Regular Price = $297.00

A blood chemistry profile, including SDMA, provides information about your cat’s kidneys, liver, and pancreas as well as other functions of the body, such as blood sugar and hydration. A CBC can identify infection, inflammation, and anemia.

Complete Urinalysis

Regular Price = $76.00

This analysis assesses the overall health of your cat’s urinary tract including the kidneys and bladder. It identifies infection or inflammation in the urinary tract.

Senior Feline Package


Regular Price = $669

Wellness Exam, Chemistry & CBC, Urinalysis, Blood Pressure, Thyroid Screen and Heart Disease Screen (proBNP)

An orange cat lying on a rug

To help your cat enjoy a happy, healthy life, this preventive care visit includes the following:

Comprehensive Physical Examination

Regular Price = $65.00

This head-to-tail examination includes but is not limited to, temperature, weight, and evaluation of the following: coat, skin, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, gums, heart, lungs, abdomen, legs, and paws.

Chemistry Profile & Complete Blood Count (CBC)

Regular Price = $297.00

A blood chemistry profile, including SDMA, provides information about your cat’s kidneys, liver, and pancreas as well as other functions of the body, such as blood sugar and hydration. A CBC can identify infection, inflammation, and anemia.

Complete Urinalysis

Regular Price = $76.00

This analysis assesses the overall health of your cat’s urinary tract including the kidneys and bladder. It identifies infection or inflammation in the urinary tract.

Thyroid Function Test

Regular Price = $150.00

A thyroid function test detects whether or not your cat’s thyroid gland is functioning properly. Thyroid disease is common in older cats.

Heart Disease Screen

Regular Price = $94.50

The proBNP test is an important biomarker for heart health in cats. Having a normal level can reassure us that heart disease is likely not affecting your pet’s health.

Blood Pressure

Regular Price = $45.00

Blood pressure measurement is important in aging cats, it can aid in identifying underlying kidney, heart, or thyroid disease.

Pet Wellness Exam in Santee

Having your pet examined regularly is one of the best things you can do for their long-term health. If you are looking for a vet who provides affordable and comprehensive pet wellness exams in Santee and the surrounding area, we can help. We would love to meet you and your furry little friend! Contact us today to learn more.

White Cat Wearing a Pet Collar